6 Reasons To Spay Your Pet

Spaying your pet can help prevent dogs' overpopulation that causes pet homelessness. That said, as a responsible and loving pet owner, there are plenty of personal reasons why you should spay your dog in Placerville.

Let us walk you through some of the most amazing reasons to spay your dog.

1.Spayed female dogs do not undergo heat
Although cycle skin varies, female dogs go into heat on an average twice a year for 2 to 4 weeks and can also exhibit undesirable behaviors such as messy discharges. However, if you spay your dog the chances of them going into heat are negligible.

2.Your dog will lead a longer and healthier life

Spaying can help prevent the chances of urine infections and breast cancer which is high in 50% of dogs. Neutering male pets can also help in preventing testicular cancer if it is done before the dog is six months older. Along with preventing disease, spacing, and nutrients your pet also helps in protecting them from any unwanted and unplanned leaders.

3.Spayed pets are well-behaved
Unaltered dogs and cats mark their territory by spraying strong-smelling urine all around the house. Neutered or spayed pets, on the other hand, focus their attention on their human families. Plus, early neutering may also help in avoiding aggression problems.

4.Spaying doesn’t make your pet fat
A lack of exercise and overeating is what makes your pet gain extra pounds, not neutering or spaying. Your pet will always remain fit until you provide them energetic activities, proper workout, and monitor their food intake.

5.Spaying helps fight pet overpopulation

Hundreds and thousands of dogs and cats are euthanized at shelters or suffer on the streets.  These high numbers of pets are a result of unplanned or unwanted litters and could have been easily prevented by spaying and neutering.

6.Spaying is cost-effective

The cost of spaying your dog is much lower than the cost of having and caring for a litter. It is also less expensive than the cost of treatment if your non-spayed dog escapes and gets into a fight with the stray.

Now you know the benefits of spaying your pets. So make sure to find a clinic for dog spay in Placerville.
