Why You Should Get Your Dog Neutered Today
Have you recently adopted a dog or are planning to? If you’ve done your research, you’re probably aware that owning a dog comes with many responsibilities. One of the most vital health decisions you must take for the health of your dog is to neuter it. That may sound insignificant to you now but this easy veterinary procedure requiring minimal hospitalization can have life changing health benefits for your pet. Neutering means eliminating the testicles of your male dog in order to improve its behaviour and increase its lifespan.
If you aren’t convinced yet, we have enlisted a few compelling reasons to neuter your dog.
If you aren’t convinced yet, we have enlisted a few compelling reasons to neuter your dog.
- Improving your dog’s health: Neutering pet avoids unwanted litters. Besides, it eliminates the chances of testicular cancer.
- Your dog won’t roam far away from home: A male dog literally sees no bound when it comes to finding a mate. He can go anywhere and figure out numerous means to escape the house. And if he finds a way out, he may just end up injuring himself due to accidents or fights with other dogs.
- Your dog will be better behaved: Neutered dogs are highly considerate about their human family. On the other hand, unneutered dogs may try to disturb your peace of mind by marking their territory by spraying strong-smelling urine around the house. So, neutering can keep a control on such aggression problems.
- Neutering doesn’t make your dog fat: There is a popular misconception about neutering that it makes your dog fat. The fact is that your dog remains fit and slim if it you monitor its food intake and it continues exercising.
- Good for the community: Neutering is a good way to reduce the number of stray animals that can pose a major problem for the community.
- Cost-effective: The cost of neutering dog in Pollock Pines is a lot less than what you’ll have to pay for taking care of its litter in the long run.
- Neutering helps fight overpopulation: Unplanned litters are the major cause of overpopulation. This can be prevented by neutering your dog.
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