A Pet Parent’s Quick Guide On Taking Care Of Dog After Surgery

Surgery is intimidating for a pet’s parent. If you have taken your pet to an animal hospital for dog surgery in Pleasant Valley, you are probably worried about taking care of them after the procedure. Though dogs, or any pet animals, for that matter, spend most of their time sleeping and relaxing in their beds, you can do a few things to ensure they are comfortable, promoting quick recovery.

Restrict their activities

Dogs get excited when they see their parents. They jump or spin around in excitement. Since surgery is invasive, you would want your dog to stay in their place until their tissues get repaired and healed. It’s best to restrict their activities by giving them commands like no running and jumping. If your pup doesn’t listen to or follow your commands, discuss it with your vet or use your judgment.

Prevent licking

Dogs tend to lick areas where they feel itchiness or pain. Since licking can introduce bacteria and cause infection, keep your dog from licking surgical areas. If your pet doesn’t follow your command, use a cone collar. You may not like putting your pet under restriction, but it’s necessary until they recover.

Notice unusual behaviors

Anesthesia—given during surgical procedures—affects every dog differently. Keeping an eye on pets for odd behavior is crucial. Since the first 24 hours are critical, be watchful of vomiting, lack of appetite, trouble breathing, and other behaviors. Connect with your animal doctor as soon as you notice anything unusual.

Give them prescribed medications

Your dog’s doctor will send your furry friend home with pain medications and antibiotics. Being a pet parent, it becomes your responsibility to follow your vet’s instructions. Give your dog medications on time and avoid giving them anything that isn’t prescribed, as it could be toxic for your companion after the surgery.

Take care of stitches and bandages

Your vet will remove stitches around ten to fourteen days after surgery. Till then, you will have to ensure your pet doesn’t lick the area, preventing infection. If there are any bandages, you must keep them dry to ensure your dog’s incision heal as they recover. You can cover the bandage with plastic wrap; however, leaving the affected area covered with the plastic wrap too long may cause infection.

Surgery and recovery can be stressful for dogs and their parents. Finding a reputable hospital for dog surgery and follow-up visits during recovery in Pleasant Valley is best.


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